Full Site

When coming into the main entrance, follow the instructions listed. Any other questions can be directed to personnel in the scale house or main office.

Customers that have non-ferrous items, such as, cans, copper, and other types of aluminum, will pull to the left of the main scale next to the scale house. All such items will be put on the small scale that is located between two yellow poles in the metals building. Larger quantities of aluminum, such as siding and sheet, can be weighed on the main scale.

Customers that have all ferrous items will pull on the main scale, directly to the left of the scale house. These are items such as automobiles, shredding iron and prepared and unprepared steel.

While waiting on line to get unloaded, remove straps, chains or tarps. This will help the line move more smoothly. Do not remove fasteners if load will not be secure until you reach the unloading area.

Scale House monitors CB channel 19
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Saturday 8 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Closed Sundays and Holidays

If you are unsure how to propery secure your load, use the link below for up to date details.